12-13-14 December 2006


  • Tutorials (two days of special tutorials will be organised on 12th and 13th December 2006) :
    • please contact tutorial chair (Paolo Nesi) if you are interested in submitting a tutorial
  • AXMEDIS 2006 Tutorials:
    • 12th of December 2006
      • morning: AXMEDIS Tutorial on General Aspects
      • afternoon: AXMEDIS Tutorial on Content Production
    • 13th of December 2006
      • morning: AXMEDIS Tutorial on Automatic Content Processing, GRID, Adaptation, Fingerprint
      • afternoon: AXMEDIS Tutorial on Workflow management and integration
    • 14th of December 2006 (date to be confirmed)
      • AXMEDIS Tutorial on Multichannel Content Distribution
    • other tutorials to be defined on the basis of the submissions and requests
  • Following this link you can see the Tutorials of AXMEDIS 2005 conference.
  • General information for all the tutorials
    • duration: about 4 hours
    • documentation: about 150-200 slides, with examples and references, provided to you in paper
    • activity: frontal presentation, examples and applications, time for your questions and discussions
    • subsistance:
      • one coffee break in the middle of tutorial
      • lunch to who is attending more then one tutorial per day



Tutorial on
AXMEDIS Framework Overview & Applications
12th of December 2006, morning, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Paolo Nesi (DSI, Univ. of Florence, I)

The tutorial is open to all. No specific prerequisites are needed to attend and take advantages from the tutorial. The only requisite can be the interest in the aspects of content production, protection and distribution of digital content via different channels such as Internet, Mobile, broadcast, etc., and some curiosity on AXMEDIS technology and framework.

The program of the tutorial includes: market state of the art, business state of the art, new needs of the final users, the value chain, digital rights management (DRM), content elements and distribution, state of the art of systems, B2B and B2C distribution, license models, processing licenses, infrastructure costs for DRM, content packaging (MPEG-21 DI, AXMEDIS), Windows Media, needs and limitation of the present market and technologies, business models, transaction models, the convergence of media, interoperability of content and multichannel, authentication and certification, license definition, MPEG-21 REL and ODRL OMA, content protection technology, supervising for DRM, tracking of the content usage, reporting actions performed, content authoring, content players, content processing infrastructure and examples, GRID for content processing, workflow enforcement in the content production and processing, content management systems, CMSs, accessing to legacy CMSs, content crawling, joining Content Factories with P2P for B2B, multichannel queries for B2B, distribution examples (Internet, P2P, Kiosks, mobile, satellite, PDA, etc.). The AXMEDIS framework, structure, benefits and features, how to access, how it can be legally used.
The tutorial is focused on presenting the state of the art in the area of content production for e-commerce of digital content, and the innovation provided by AXMEDIS consortium with a specific attention to aspects that are useful for Business managers interesting on taking the stated of the art and comparing it with AXMEDIS solutions; Technical Managers interested in having a first overview about AXMEDIS technology and framework, Research Group Coordinator interested in understanding how the AXMEDIS framework can be used to valorize their work and solution and make them simpler, faster and more profitable.

This tutorial on General e-commerce of content and AXMEDIS aspects is a revised and enriched version of the General AXMEDIS Tutorial that has been successfully provided at the AXMEDIS 2005 conference in Florence with an audience of 45 people.

The speaker is the Coordinator of AXMEDIS and of other activities.



Tutorial on
AXMEDIS Content Production and Authoring
12th of December 2006, afternoon, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
David Fuschi (ILABS, I), Pierfrancesco Bellini (DSI, Univ. of Florence, I), Kia Ng (Univ. Leeds, UK),
Silvia Llorente (FUPF, Spain), Isabella Longo (AFI, I)

The tutorial is open to all, even though target audience is composed of decision makers and technical managers. Some prerequisites are needed to attend in respect to digital content production and protection such as a basic knowledge of the production cycle, production and protection tools. These prerequisites can be easily obtained by following the General AXMEDIS tutorial of the morning.

The tutorial is focused on presenting the benefits in the area of digital content production coming from the adoption of AXMEDIS technology and framework especially for e-commerce. The program of the tutorial includes: a quick recall of the content production process to help locate the new tools onto a known process, hints and suggestions on the environment set-up, detailed indications on how to proceed in content production, storage, retrieval, protection, and publication, with a special care on MPEG-21 and AXMEDIS authoring tools for cross media content production incuding any type of content (docuent, images, cross media, video, audio files, html, etc.), MPEG-21 REL license definition, from contract to digital licenses, formatting models, content layouting, SMIL editing, content descriptors, content fingerprint, metadata definition, metadata mapping, component based content production, protection mechanisms for content, nested levels of object content, etc.

Topics will addressed and information provided using examples that have been selected as they enable to explain both the process and the benefits coming form the adoption of the proposed solution. Furthermore limits and constraints will also be pointed out to keep a fair and concrete perspective aimed to address information needs of decision makers and technical managers.

This tutorial on AXMEDIS content production tutorial is an updated, revised and enriched version of the tutorial on Content Production succesfully provided at the AXMEDIS 2005 conference in Florence with an audience of 45 people.

The speakers are involved in AXMEDIS and in many other activities.


Tutorial on
AXMEDIS Content Processing and Automatic Production
13th of December 2006, morning, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Martin Schmucker (FHGIGD, Darmstadt, Germany), Ivan Bruno (DSI, University of Florence, I), Maulik Sailor (University Reading, UK)

This tutorial on Content Processing and Automatic Production is open to all. The main target audience, which is addressed, includes decision makers and technical manager and people that are interested in content processing and production in distribution environments. The focus of this tutorial is on the benefits of automatic content processing and production by exploiting the AXMEDIS framework for content owner, content aggregators and content distributors. The tutorial is three fold, one on algorithms for content processing, managed by FHGIGD (adaptation, transcoding, processing, etc.), the other on AXMEDIS CP GRID platform and its integration into the content factory and databases, managed by DSI; and a third one on profiling (user and device profiling, CCPP, UAPROF), maanged by the University of Reading.

The program of this tutorial includes an introduction to content processing in terms of algorithms and possible applications (processing, recognition, production on demand, profile processing on demand), and the problems addressed by AXMEDIS. Details on content production and processing within AXMEDIS are given with a focus on the architecture and the AXMEDIS Content Processing GRID. Different core functionalities are explained and shown, including content processing (adaptation, transcoding, fingerprint estimation, watermark estimation, processing, etc.) gathering from internal content management systems, content selection and formatting, and license and rights management. In addition to the core functionalities, the flexibility of the AXMEDIS framework is demonstrate via the integration and usage of external functionalities into the AXMEDIS framework as external plug-ins. With different examples and application scenarios the benefit of the AXMEDIS framework is demonstrated.

The speakers are involved in AXMEDIS and in many other activities.


Tutorial on
Content Production Management via Workflow and AXMEDIS
13th of December 2006, afternoon, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Maulik Sailor (University Reading, UK), Laurence Perarce (XIM, UK), Claudio Marangoni (HP, I)

The tutorial is open to all. No specific prerequisites are needed to attend and take advantage for the tutorial. This tutorial will suite the professionals wanting to explore the benefits of using workflow tools for the automation of the content production and/or distribution processes. Optionally, for people with technical knowledge, the tutorial will cover installation and configuration details for the workflow tools.

The program of the tutorial includes:

  • General Workflow Introductions
  • The role of Workflow in Axmedis Framework
  • The Workflow Tools Available
  • Case Study 1: content Production and Distribution Processes at GIUNTI
  • Case Study 2: content Production and Distribution Processes at XIM
  • Benefits of using Workflow
  • Writing Workflow Rules for Managing the Processes & Tools
  • Executing the Workflow Rules
  • Some hints on Installation of Workflow Tools (For Technical people, only on demand)
  • Some hints on Configuration of Workflow Tools (For Technical people, only on demand)

The tutorial is focused on presenting the usage of workflow tools in the area of content production and distribution within the AXMEDIS Framework. This tutorial is aimed at providing the managers and workers and easy access to information for automated execution of various processes in their factory. This tutorial will also present two Case studies performed at AXMEDIS Partners Factories to automate their production & distribution processes and the benefits achieved by the usage of AXMEDIS Workflow Tools. At the end of this tutorial, the audiences are expected to gain knowledge of using the Workflow Tools to Automate the process of Content Production & Distribution within the AXMEDIS Framework.

This version of the AXMEDIS Workflow tutorial is a derived and enriched version of a previous tutorial that has been provided at the AXMEDIS 2005 conference in Florence with an audience of 40 people.

The speakers are involved in AXMEDIS and in many other activities.



Tutorial on
AXMEDIS Multichannel Content Distribution
---- date to be defined, probably the 14th of December 2006 ----, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
David Fuschi (ILABS, I), Giovanni Nateri (TISCALI, I), Orazio Pulvirenti (EUTELSAT, Fr)

The tutorial is open to all, even though target audience is composed of decision makers, marketing and technical managers. Some prerequisites are needed to attend the tutorial in respect to digital content protection and distribution, such as a basic knowledge of the distribution cycle, distribution channels, marketing, legal and protection aspects. These prerequisites can be easily gained by following the General AXMEDIS tutorial of the 12th of December 2006.

This tutorial is focused on presenting the benefits in the area of multichannel cross media content distribution coming from the adoption of AXMEDIS technology and framework especially for e-commerce and Internet distribution, VOD, cotennt on demand, production on demand, broadcasting, mobile distribution, distribution via kiosks, with a specific attention to distirbution and protection tools, Digital Rights Management (DRM), management of rights, collection of events reported on the content usage, licenses used, chains of licenses, portals, P2P distribution, connection from the content factory and the front ends Servers for content distribution. And refers to players PC, PDA, mobiles, STB, PVR, etc. The program of the tutorial includes: a quick recall of the content distribution process to help locate the new tools onto a known process, hints and suggestions on the environment set-up, detailed indications on how to proceed in content selection, acquisition, retrieval, protection, profiling, and distribution in strict connection with both usual existing environment and AXMEDIS framework, also referring to License Servers, Certification and supervision authorities, registration portals, integration and architectural aspects, AXMEDIS GRID technologies for distirbution.

Topics will addressed and information provided using examples that have been selected as they enable to explain both the process and the benefits coming form the adoption of the proposed solution. Furthermore limits and constraints will also be pointed out to keep a fair and concrete perspective aimed to address information needs of decision makers and technical managers.

This tutorial is an updated and enriched version of the Content Distirbution tutorial that has been successfully provided at the AXMEDIS 2005 conference with an audience of 40 people.

The speakers are involved in AXMEDIS and in many other content distribution activities.