AXMEDIS ( automates your content management for multichannel distribution and publication: WEB internet, broadcast, P2P, mobile, IPTV, user generated content, etc.
The AXMEDIS solution allows you to reduce costs and increase efficiency in yrou content production and management. It provides support to automate all the backoffice aspects: user produced content, content processing, repurposing, metadata processing, advertising, packaging, adaptation, fingerprinting, licensing, DRM, access to any CMSs and databases, etc. Managing more than 400 different file formats. AXMEDIS supports the whole value chain and allows the convergence of the media and interoperability of content to enable multichannel distribution (e.g., PC, mobile, STB terrestrial and satellite, kiosk, iTV, PDA, etc). AXMEDIS provides support for flexible and interoperable solutions for P2P, cross media and interactive content, and DRM. AXMEDIS is offering cross media authoring and player tools for PC, PDA, STB, PVR, HDR, Mobiles, MAC, etc., and all you need to automate your content management life cycle. The AXMEDIS consists of over 40 partners (among them: TISCALI, EUTELSAT, Telecom Italia, TEO, ELION, HP, BBC, Giunti ILABS, ACIT, EXITECH, etc.) deriving and exploiting innovative research results with new tools and solutions. Paolo Nesi “It is many years that sector experts talk about convergence of media, channels and devices, CAS and interoperable DRM solutions, support for On Demand or not, integration of traditional and P2P solutions, interoperable devices, and much more. Now AXMEDIS is the solution to enable the market with an effective suite of tool for the integrated management of backoffice and distribution to Make Multichannel Distribution and Convergence Working for You and not You working for it.” At the IBC 2008 (Hall 7 - stand J24) you will have the occasion to see and discuss about main AXMEDIS products and about how AXMEDIS can be integrated in your case: - AXMEDIS Content Processing, AXCP, the complete ready to start solution to automate your content production, protection and distribution, scheduling activities, supporting on demand services, managing backoffice for multichannel, managing multiple DRMs, managing multiple CMSs and databases, etc. It allows you automate all activities that you can do manually on your content and much much more.
- AXMEDIS P2P Controlled Network, the complete ready to start solution for content distribution via P2P, B2B and B2C distribution BitTorrent Technology with Query and Catalogue, Protected content, P2P Client Tools, Automated B2B content distribution via P2P, fast seeding, and efficient control of the P2P network, C2C content distribution and sharing, Content Sharing among, producers, integrators, archives and libraries, etc.
- AXMEDIS DRM, the complete ready to start solution for adopting MPEG-21 DRM and multiple DRM solutions. Servers and licensing tools for DRM, verification, certification, detection of attacks, black list management, collection of actions logs with traces about rights exploitation, tools for administrative managment, etc.
- AXMEDIS Editor and players, a set of tools for MPEG-21 and AXMEDIS content authoring (presentation SMIL, HTML, MPEG-4- and any digital resources), licensing, protection, packaging, workflow, playing, etc. AXMEDIS authoring on Windows. AXMEDIS players for: MS Windows, Apple MAC, Linux, Windows Mobile 5, and java mobiles. Thus for PC, STB/PVR/HDR, MediaCenters, PDA, and mobiles. They can be fully customized in terms of GUI and functionalities. examples of customisation are available following this link.
- Cross Media Finder, the portal to play and download AXMEDIS content: video, images, documents, audio and crossmedia. direct play of content into the web page, integrated P2P download and tools with AXMEDIS P2P. Support for protected and non protected AXMEDIS DRM content and user generated content.
- AXMEDIS COPOP, content posting solution, to involve your final user, to collect their content and redistributing it for social networking or integrated it in your content based business solutions.
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Contacts: Paolo Nesi, Ph.D. Via S. Marta 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy Email:
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| In the following, a number of AXMEDIS based solutions from relevant international partners with their comments and appreciations:
TISCALI (telecom operator and content distributor, Italy and UK, etc.): an AXMEDIS based content packaging, DRM, and Distribution via Internet and P2P toward PCs. This link to read more on Distribution on Internet with AXMEDIS: ILABS (content producer and distributor via Internet and mobile networks, Italy): an AXMEDIS based automated Content production, DRM and Distribution toward PDAs and mobiles. This link to read more on Distribution on PDAs and mobiles with AXMEDIS:
- David Fuschi (GIUNTI ILabs, Italy) "AXMEDIS is an interesting suite of tools for automating production and back office activities thus reducing costs related to repetitive or mass operations management. It has been used for creating contents based on templates and rules in the tourism and Cultural Heritage environment."
Elisabetta Parodi (GIUNTI ILabs, Italy) "AXMEDIS has simplified much the burdens related to automating production when repetitive or mass operations management were needed in content production for our demonstrators. It has proved to be rather effective and easy to use"
EUTELSAT (carrier and content distributor via satellite, France), MBI STB producer: an AXMEDIS based Content Distribution via satellite data broadcast (DVB-S) towards PC and STBs This link to read more on Distribution via Satellite data broadcast with AXMEDIS:
- Roberta Campo, (Eutelsat, Paris) "The AXMEDIS platform and in particular its Programme and Publication Area provide an interesting tool for content distribution through various channels and devices, including STB, and in our case associated with the efficacy and ubiquity of the satellite"
- Mauro Bueti (MBI, Italy ) "AXMEDIS is an open framework enlightening a new direction in the fields of production, distribution and fruition of digital contents"
BBC (broadcaster and content producer, UK): an AXMEDIS based Content distribution to licensing domains via DVB-T and P2P, DRM and integration of metadata and additional information. This link to read more on Content distribution for TV recording with AXMEDIS:
- BBC stated in its report, that AXMEDIS "would benefit member states by accelerating the growth of digital media markets. The BBC is working with the consortium partners to understand the project’s viability and its applicability ..."
TELECOM Italia (telecom operator and content distributor, Italy): an AXMEDIS based for content distribution toward mobiles based on OMA and/or MPEG-21/AXMEDIS, autoamted management of multichannel back-office. This link to read more on Content distribution with OMA, AXMEDIS back office TEO (telecom operator and content distributor, Lithuania): an AXMEDIS based solution for IPTV, VOD, DRM, distribution to STB (kreatel based). This link to read more on Content distribution for Video on STB with AXMEDIS
- Vygandas Juras (TEO, Director Strategic development and research, Lithuania ): "TEO views AXMEDIS as an emerging truly cross-platform system on the European networked and electronic media scene, potentially revolutionising the digital content distribution business, by making it more efficient and transparent".
ELION (telecom Operator and content distributor, Estonia): an AXMEDIS based Video on Demand, VOD, DRM, distribution to PC and/or STB. This link to read more on Content distribution for Video on demand, with AXMEDIS
- Toivo Praakel (Head of Datacom and Internet division, Elion Enterprises Ltd, Estonia). "Axmedis is promising new initiative to build open multimedia marketplace for Content Owners and Service Providers. Thank to new solutions Users with different CPE (Mobile, PDA, PC, STB, etc.) and different operating systems (Windows, Apple MAC, Linux) will have access to large interesting multimedia content in near future!"
AFI (association of phonographics Italy, AFI represents some 200 SME enterprises of audiovisual producers): an AXMEDIS based content production and integration The following links to read more on content modeling and production see the following links: Content Examples, production examples
- Luigi Barion (AFI President) presented AXMEDIS at the AFI convention "AXMEDIS is the perfect tool to promote the market of digital content, to protect the content by using an open and interoperable platform"
- Franco Bixio (AFI, Italy) stated "AXMEDIS is certainly a very important opportunity for AFI: it will allow the independent audiovisual producers to exploit, distribute and promote their works and this in a protected manner. Under this point of view AXMEDIS helps to improve the trust of the SME of producers towards the on line framework also in a B2B perspective.”
SIAE (the largest collecting society, Italy): an AXMEDIS based Content Posting Portal, to allow final users/producers/authors to upload content and share it with or without DRM. This link to read more on how to set up a social network for content posting, collection and distribution with AXMEDIS XIM (content integrator and producer, UK): an AXMEDIS based content production and integration The following links to read more on content modeling and production see the following links: Content Examples, production examples
- Laurence Pearce (XIM Ltd, UK) "The powerful scripting offered by the AXMEDIS AXCP tools has enabled us to automate complex new media production thereby reducing both cost and lead time. AXMEDIS has also enabled us to distribute content to new channels (mobile, satellite) and platforms (smartphone, PDA, STB) at low cost and with fully flexible DRM."
ANSC (archive and collection of cultural heritage content, Italy): an AXMEDIS based solution for autoamted content production, publishing and sharing among archives via P2P. This link to read more on Content Sharing among Archives with AXMEDIS managed by Local Distributors with P2P AXEPTool and from them to
- Roberto Grisley (musicologist and librarian, ANSC, Rome) "AXMEDIS is a unique way to share and enhance digital collections of cultural heritage. An opportunity for libraries and archives."
EXITECH (IST high techology provider, Italy): an AXMEDIS based content distribution with DRM, accounting management, reporting tools, administrative information integrator, This link to read more about DRM accounting and reporting for MPEG-21
- Maurizio Campanai (EXITECH CEO) "AXMEDIS framework has the capabilities to impressively reduce the costs of back office management of your content factory for production, protection, Digital Rights Management and multichannel distribution"