Dec. 21, 2009

A new version of the AXCP tools is under distribution

A new version of the AXCP tools is under distribution


Dec. 12, 2008

Removing user constraints from digital rights management, ICT results publication on AXMEDIS

Removing user constraints from digital rights management click here to read the full article from the ICT Results. Bridging the often-large gap between the commercial imperatives of digital content providers and the requirements of users who buy their content has been achieved by a team of European researchers. Allowing end users to access and play copyright-protected multimedia files downloaded onto their devices, and transfer the files between devices – PCs, cell phones, PDAs, TV set-top boxes – should not in theory impinge on the intellectual property rights of the content provider (CP). If somebody has bought a license to play a particular video or song, it should not matter to the provider where, when and how it is played provided digital rights are not violated. In practice, however, the situation is much more complex than that. Each device has a different operating system, and the file to be downloaded needs to be coded for each system. Using current technologies this is costly and time consuming, and especially so for multimedia and cross-media files that include different digital instructions to be used for composing the same content, such as an HTML page or an educational course. An ambitious EU-funded research project, AXMEDIS, addressed this by defining and developing new solutions and a system for automating the post-production formatting process of complex intelligent content. This makes it commercially viable to have the same multimedia and cross-media files available to download to, transfer between and play on different devices. The project has also been focusing on the important area of digital rights management (DRM) to ensure that only the users who have paid for the content may exploit the rights specified by the licenses, and the content is protected from copying and distribution aside from the specified rights. A spin-off company, AxMediaTech, has been founded by some of the partners in the project and other parties, including BIXIO, SED and AFI, one of the largest associations of content producers in Italy. The new entity brings together content producers with ICT firms. AxMediaTech will initially concentrate on re-engineering the prototype system with the aim of getting a commercial product for CPs on the market and in widespread use within two to three years. This will be a commercial operation charging the affiliated partners for the services provided, to guarantee the maintenance of the AXMEDIS framework and tools. At the same time, a not-for-profit organisation will be working on the AXMEDIS client end to provide free media players for end users to view, play and interact with the downloaded AXMEDIS content files that the CPs are now able to automatically generate. The AXMEDIS content objects have more in common with a DVD than with the type of digital audio or visual files accessible today. “The files can be part audio, part video, part still photos, part text, and interactive,” says Nesi, with some built-in “intelligence” and user-generated content alongside AXMEDIS content.


Oct. 9, 2008

AXMEDIS Cross media finder phase two, the real multichannel

AXMEDIS Cross media finder: a portal and service in which you can make the experience about the AXMEDIS Cross Media Content. To use and create Cross Media Content, but also to protect and use protected cross media content. Cross media is any content from simple audio, video, images, to intelligent content and wizard. Now the cross media finder is more than multichannel it is autosensive so that you can access to the cross media finder with any device you have PC, PDA and mobile and it automatically provides you the right interface and the right content for the device: CrossMediaFinder it also provides a service to allow you to upload the content from PC, from Your mobile and PDA and see it automatically transcoded and formatted for the other devices, etc.... trasnformed in CROSS Media content. Cross media content is MPEG-21 based please test and play with :-) in the next days a version with the users management will be provided.


Oct. 9, 2008

AxMediaTech has started his activity on deploying AXMEDIS powered tools.

AxMediaTech has started his activity on deploying AXMEDIS powered tools. AxMediaTech new co. started his activity with the aim of engineering and deploying AXMEDIS powered tools.


Oct. 9, 2008

more than 16000 downloads of AXMEDIS mobile player v1.4 in the last 30 days

in the last 30 days the AXMEDIS mobile player has been downloaded 16605 times !!!!


Aug. 28, 2008

Content Management Systems’ Mobile Embrace

Content Management Systems’ Mobile Embrace By Evan Koblentz WirelessWeek - August 28, 2008 Mobile content management will account for $8 billion in global revenue this year, analysts at Insight Research said in a new report, Content Management for Wireless Networks, 2008-2013. The report covers 42 companies but does not include rankings or forecasts. Insight president Robert Rosenberg said its purpose is to show that content management systems for mobile devices are primitive compared to their desktop counterparts. Mobility should be a standard part of all mainstream content management systems, allowing programmers and content creators to worry about data instead of formatting. “What we’re saying is, give it 2 or 3 years and there’s going to be some neat ones out there. We’re trying to look ahead instead of where the ducks are flying right now. It’s simply a question of the entrepreneurial environment sitting back and recognizing the opportunity that exists in content management systems,” he said. “We’re really in the first throes of mobile content management... the whole reason mobile content management today is to get the content on the handset,” compared to far more sophisticated systems for desktop content management, he added. “Right now everybody bows down to mobile because mobile in the telecommunications industry is where all the growth is happening, all across the globe. But as we move to a global IP infrastructure the location of the endpoint is kind of secondary.” For mobiles, the content management technology that really stands out is the AXMEDIS framework, he said. The name is a loose acronym for “Automating Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution”; the system evolved in 2004 and is endorsed by the European Commission. Insight’s staff studied mobile content management for 6 months, but nobody really knows how much time and money is wasted by developers and content creators as they focus on output types instead of their data and their message, Rosenberg said.


Aug. 28, 2008

AXMEDIATECH has signed the affiliation agreement with AXMEDIS

AXMEDIATECH has signed the affiliation agreement with AXMEDIS


Jul. 29, 2008

AXMEDIS Mobile player is available

the new version of the AXMEDIS MPEG-21 mobile player and its new content for demonstration are available from AXMEDIS mobile player accessing from that page with your mobile you can install the AXMEDIS mobile player and play with axmedis content have a good experience...:-) it is capable to work with images, video in streaming, DRM, CAS, pay per play, interactive parts, etc.


Jun. 26, 2008

Telecom Bretagne, France, has singed the affiliation agreement, joining AXMEDIS

Telecom Bretagne, France, has joined AXMEDIS singing the affiliation agreement.


Jun. 26, 2008

[AX] Version 1.6 of the AXMEDIS tools have been published

Version 1.6 of the AXMEDIS tools have been deployed. You can download them from: www.AXMEDIS.ORG. among them: --the AXMEDIS player for Mobiles --the AXMEDIS cobntent processing toolsw --the AXMEDIS plaeyr with ACTIVE X, working also in progressive download for video, only 18 Mbytes -- and many other innovations


Apr. 2, 2008

RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana spa, signed the affiliation agreement

RAI-Radiotelevisione italiana spa, RAI Centro Ricerche e Innovazione Tecnologica, singed the affiliation agreement with AXMEDIS.


Apr. 2, 2008

EUREKA srl Lucca signed the affiliation agreement

EUREKA srl Lucca, a very active company working the area of medical continuos information has signed the affiliation agreement with AXMEDIS


Jan. 4, 2008

Commission adopts strategy for "Creative Content Online"

3 Jan 08 Commission adopts strategy for "Creative Content Online" On 03/01/2008, the Commission adopted a Communication on Creative Content Online which launches further actions to support the development of innovative business models and the deployment of cross-border delivery of diverse online creative content services. Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for the Information Society and Media: "I will ... propose a Recommendation by mid-2008 on new ways for achieving a single market for online content. I ask in particular Europe's consumer associations to take a very active part in this debate. Because for online content, the demand and preferences of 500 million potential consumers are the strongest arguments for achieving new solutions at EU level." The Commission ... seeks to establish a framework for DRM transparency concerning, amongst others, the interoperability of different DRMs, and ensuring that consumers are properly informed of any usage restrictions placed on downloaded content, as well as of the interoperability of related online services. The Commission intends to instigate co-operation procedures ("codes of conduct") between access/service providers, right holders and consumers to ensure not only the widespread offer of attractive content online, but also adequate protection of copyrighted works, and close cooperation on the fight against piracy and unauthorised file-sharing. With the Communication "Creative Content Online in Europe's Single Market", the Commission is launching today a public consultation in order to prepare – by mid 2008 – an EU Recommendation on Creative Content Online for adoption by the European Parliament and the Council. Stakeholders are invited to comment on today's Communication by 29 February 2008. In addition, the Commission will set up the "Content Online Platform", a stakeholders' forum, to initiate collaborative work with all stakeholders on issues where further discussions are needed. Consumers will be given a strong voice in this platform.


Dec. 21, 2007

TELSEY has signed the affiliation agreement to AXMEDIS

TELSEY, a well known STB builder has signed today the affiliation to AXMEDIS


Dec. 21, 2007

AI2 has signed the affiliation agreement to AXMEDIS

AI2 has signed the affiliation agreement to AXMEDIS


Nov. 22, 2007

AXMEDIS presentation at APT and ANICA, Roma, 10 December 2007

AXMEDIS is going to be presented at APT (Associazione Produttori Televisivi) and at ANICA (Associazione Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche e Audiovisive Multimediali), in Rome, the 10th of December 2007. The event will be presented by Carlo Bixio and Paolo Ferrari and it is reserved to APT and ANICA associates.


Nov. 22, 2007

Technical Note on AXMEDIS DRM

New Technical Note on AXMEDIS DRM platform, please download AXMEDIS DRM technical note


Nov. 22, 2007

Technical Note on AXMEDIS content model, authoring and Players, MPEG-21 content and tools

New Technical Note on AXMEDIS content model, authoring and players, MPEG-21 content and tools, for PC, PDA, Mobiles, STB, PVR, decoders, HDR, etc, please download AXMEDIS Content model and tools technical note


Nov. 22, 2007

AXMEDIS tutorials in Barcelona, 28 and 29 November 2007

AXMEDIS tutorials in Barcelona, 28 and 29 November 2007. AXMEDIS Tutorials 2007


Nov. 12, 2007

AXMEDIS presentation at AFI in Bruxelles, November 2007

A.F.I. is organizing for next November the 20th in Brussels a presentation of the Axmedis project to public and private stakeholders. As far as the European insitutions are concerned, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union will be represented with several officials. Among the private stakeholders, most of the association representing the European content owners will attend but also telecom and electronic industry and broadcasters have already confirmed their participation. For any further information concernig the participation to the event, please email to Massimo Baldinato ( ). SLIDES OF THE PRESENTATION performedlink name


Oct. 8, 2007

MAAT-G has signed the Affilation to AXMEDIS

MAAT-G has performed the affiliation to AXMEDIS


Oct. 8, 2007

Technical Note on AXMEDIS Content Processing GRID platform, AXCP

New Technical Note on AXMEDIS Content Processing GRID platform, tools for autoamting content production, protection and distribution, please download AXMEDIS AXCP technical note


Aug. 21, 2007

AXMEDIS at IBC 2007, visit stand 6.008 to see the AXMEDIS demonstrators working

At IBC 2007, Amsterdam, 6-11th September, Stand 6.008, you will have the opportunity to play with AXMEDIS tools for content production, protection and distribution for multichannel. Shortening your distribution value chain, accelerating your publication, allowing final user content posting, supporting multiple interoperable DRM solutions, mutiple and interoperable players, integrating P2P in your production and distribution, automating all phases with AXCP GRID technology. Click here to see more on AXMEDIS at IBC.


Jul. 18, 2007

NEW version of the AXMEDIS tools accessible for free

Please access to a new version of AXMEDIS tools and material. AXMEDIS DOWNLOAD CENTER You can acces to: AXMEDIS MPEG-21 authoring tools for manual and automated production; AXMEDIS MPEG-21 Players: PC, PDA, STB, PVR, media centers; AXMEDIS MPEG-21 DRM tools: licensing, etc. ; videos; user manuals; tutorials; slides; scenarious; and much much more...


Jul. 18, 2007

AXMEDIS Framework Licensing is from now a DUAL LICENSING mode

AXMEDIS Framework is distributed with a dual licensing model: Open source for non commercial purpose and with Affiliation for commercial and supporting users, companies and institutions. See for details regarding the Affiliation.


May. 11, 2007

User Group Meeting, 9-10 July in Florence, Italy

AXMEDIS is organising an event in Florence, Italy, at the University of Florence, Faculty of Engineering, Via S. Marta 3, 50139, Firenze, Italy, Aula/room 120, 9 and 10 of July 2007 From the 14:00 of 9th/7/2007, to the 14:00 of 10th/7/2007. The event will include presentations and real tool demonstrations enhanced versions with respect to those presented in April 2007 in Rome: similar agenda It will be a good occasion to pose your questions to the AXMEDIS consortium, to verify the feasibility of your ideas, and to see if we AXMEDIS can really comply to you needs. If you are interested one or more of the following reference people, please contact Paolo Nesi: Kia Ng,


May. 2, 2007

AXMEDIS P2P Network for content and tools

AXMEDIS P2P network for content, tutorials, video and tools, with the possibility opf distributing, sharing content among B2B actors, AXMEDIS partners and consumers is active. Please join the P2P network by installing your AXMEDIS P2P node called AXEPTool (for B2B). AXEPTool P2P NODE. The last version of the AXMEDIS tools can be obtained from Download page of AXMEDIS for content, documents and tools. The last version of the TOOLS: axmedis-major-tools-full-version-author-grid-v2-7-2.exe AXMEDIS tools full version, March 2007, authoring tool, GRID tools, AXCP Content processing tools and plug ins, documentation, example of MPEg-21/AXMEDIS obejcts with SMIL, MPEG-4, HTML, any kind of resources, DRM licenses, etc.


May. 2, 2007

On-demand Consultation of BBC, DRM and AXMEDIS

While the BBC is not in a position to deploy the resources required to independently develop an end to end video playback, distribution and DRM system, it is in a position to contribute to projects that do have this aim. The collective investment of a number of stakeholders over the medium to longer term may provide an alternative cross platform solution that would achieve universality and have additional benefits for industry and audiences. The BBC is currently a consortium member of the European Union supported AXMEDIS project that aims to create a cross platform solution to media production, management and consumption based as far as possible on open, patent free standards. It is believed that such a system would benefit member states by accelerating the growth of digital media markets. The BBC is working with the consortium partners to understand the project's viability and its applicability to challenges such as the one being considered here. The text of the BBC's response to the BBC Trust can be found as part of: organisation_responses.pdf See Page 34 for the mention of AXMEDIS. On-demand result specifically with link to PDF: On-demand result specifically with link to PDF


Apr. 17, 2007

ALBENIZ Foundation has signed the Affiliation to AXMEDIS

ALBENIZ is coordinating VARIAZIONI project. Partners: VARIAZIONI PROJECT PARTNERS The project VARIAZIONI aims to improve the Musical Metadata Tagging and its quality through the definition of a Common European Musical Metadata and through a collaborative tagging and enrichment process that combine automatic and manual tagging with automatic enrichment using next generation mashup web services. VARIAZIONI proposes the usage of a collaborative platform where non technical users from cultural institutions can easily catalogue their existing digital assets (multimedia master classes, audio/video concerts, images, scanned documents...) and create enriched contents from the existing contents of other institutions, taking into account IPR and DRM issues. During the reuse process, the metadata of the contents will be extended through a set of related metadata. The focus of the project will be to demonstrate the feasibility of reusing, enriching and integrating contents in different applications (webs, courses...) and new models through the usage of a friendly interfaces and intelligent techniques for reducing cataloguing effort. The project will setup a content enrichment portal where major European Musical Institutions and User communities will integrate, enrich and reuse existing musical contents and will demonstrate its enrichment (through the development of courses, teaching material, articles, thematic webs, ...). Additionally the project will provide a content enrichment portal for sustainability of content enrichment.


Mar. 13, 2007

GERMINUS GESFOR Spain has signed the Affiliation Agreement with AXMEDIS

GERMINUS/GESFOR Spain has signed the Affiliation Agreement with AXMEDIS.,, They are working together other 9 partners at the VARIAZIONI project. Partners: VARIAZIONI PROJECT PARTNERS The project VARIAZIONI aims to improve the Musical Metadata Tagging and its quality through the definition of a Common European Musical Metadata and through a collaborative tagging and enrichment process that combine automatic and manual tagging with automatic enrichment using next generation mashup web services. VARIAZIONI proposes the usage of a collaborative platform where non technical users from cultural institutions can easily catalogue their existing digital assets (multimedia master classes, audio/video concerts, images, scanned documents...) and create enriched contents from the existing contents of other institutions, taking into account IPR and DRM issues. During the reuse process, the metadata of the contents will be extended through a set of related metadata. The focus of the project will be to demonstrate the feasibility of reusing, enriching and integrating contents in different applications (webs, courses...) and new models through the usage of a friendly interfaces and intelligent techniques for reducing cataloguing effort. The project will setup a content enrichment portal where major European Musical Institutions and User communities will integrate, enrich and reuse existing musical contents and will demonstrate its enrichment (through the development of courses, teaching material, articles, thematic webs, ...). Additionally the project will provide a content enrichment portal for sustainability of content enrichment.


Mar. 12, 2007

PENTEX has signed the affiliation agreement with AXMEDIS

PENTEX has performed the affiliation to AXMEDIS


Mar. 5, 2007

DSI DISIT selects new assigned researchers to work in AXMEDIS and related projects. DSI DISIT Firenze, Italia, Seleziona assegnisti di ricerca per lavorare su AXMEDIS e progetti correlati

March 2007: DSI DISIT, Firenze, Italy, selects new young assigned researchers to work in AXMEDIS and related projects. Please send your Curriculum including a description of your competence/skill to Firenze Marzo 2007: DSI DISIT, Italia, seleziona giovani Laureati per assegnare posti di assegnista ricercatore per lavorare sul progetto AXMEDIS ed altri progetti correlati. Si prega di inviare il Vostro Curriculum con uan descrizione delle vostre competenze a


Dec. 1, 2006

new version of the AXMEDIS tools is accessible for all

a new version of the AXMEDIS tools is accessible Demo-of-Major-AXMEDIS-PC-players-v1-2.exe Demo-of-Major-AXMEDIS-PC-players-v1-2.exe demo-of-major-axmedis-tools-v2-6-7.exe, 1st december 2006, it contains also the Major AXMEDIS PLAYERS for PC and much much more demo-of-major-axmedis-tools-v2-6-7.exe You can find inside these tools also objects MPEG-21 and documentation. Additional information and docs can be recovered from the portal. Please be free to distribute this email to any your friends and college, the demo are public and free of charge for all. cheers, paolo


Nov. 7, 2006

SWAP 2006 Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives

The third Italian Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (Pisa, 18-20 December, 2006) aims at bringing together researchers and participants interested in Semantic Web technologies. The discussions are expected to be in Italian or in English according to the speaker preference and the interested audience. Contributions are expected in English and will be published as a Workshop Proceedings and made available online. Although we expect mostly Italian speakers, international contributions are encouraged and very welcome. The workshop is held in collaboration by the W3C Office in Italy and the Semedia group (DEIT, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche), and is intended as an open forum for researchers and and semantic web enthusiasts to meet, discuss ideas and share experiences.


Nov. 7, 2006

AXMEDIS 2006, draft programme available

AXMEDIS 2006 seeks to promote discussion and interaction between researchers, practitioners, developers and users of tools, technology transfer experts, and project managers. AXMEDIS 2006 Conference brings together a variety of participants from the academic, business and industrial worlds, to address different technical and commercial issues. Particular interests include the exchange of concepts, prototypes, research ideas, industrial experiences and other results. This will be a significant and exciting event on cross-media, content production GRID, content protection, interoperable DRM (digital rights management), multimedia terminals, multiple-play, multichannel, multi devices, MPEG-21, including MPEG-21 terminal and tools, authoring tools, digital media, P2P, OMA, multi-channel delivery, content modelling, business models, security and distribution, legal aspects, accessibility, transaction models, multimedia music, workflow, and much more. The conference focuses on the challenges in the cross-media domain (including production, protection, management, representation, formats, aggregation, workflow, distribution, business and transaction models), and the integration of content management systems and distribution chains, with particularly emphasis on the reduction of costs and solutions for complex cross-domain problems. In 2005, the first AXMEDIS International Conference was held in Florence, Italy with over 230 attendees from 22 countries, including 48% from research and academic sectors, 37 % from the industry, 7.4% from government and 4% from cultural institutions, etc. AXMEDIS2006 incorporated 2 co-located Workshops, 2 R&D Panels, and 4 Tutorials.


Nov. 7, 2006

AXMEDIS is including new partners such as: BBC, TEO, BL, ELION, ETRI, IT, MBI, etc.

AXMEDIS consortium is becoming larger. A new set of partners are going to be included with the first of December 2006. For the full list see:


Nov. 7, 2006

AXMEDIS demonstrative objects can be downloaded

AXMEDIS demonstrative objects (MPEG-21 objects) can be downloaded from the following page. They include images in many formats (JPEG, TIFF, etc.), HTML pages and elements, SMIL, MPEG-4, videos, audio files in many formats, animations in FLASH, documents in many formats, PPT, DOC, PDF, MPEG video formats, etc. Downloadable AXMEDIS objects for demonstration


Nov. 7, 2006

AXMEDIS affiliation is open

The AXMEDIS Framework is accessible to all including industries, large or small, who share the interest to exploit new technologies and solutions for automated content production and multi-channel distribution. The AXMEDIS Framework can be used to setup and build a set of complete applications and services in the area of content production, protection and distribution. With the flexibility of AXMEDIS dynamic Plug-In technology, you can customise your applications and processes according to your needs. AXMEDIS Affiliation page To take advantage of the AXMEDIS framework and technologies, you are invited to apply for the AXMEDIS Affiliation. AXMEDIS Affiliation agreement With the AXMEDIS Affiliation, Industrial participants can:


Oct. 25, 2006

DVD Jon has reversed-engineered the FairPlay encryption technology

DVD Jon has reversed-engineered the FairPlay encryption technology that prevents users from playing iTunes files on "unauthorized" computers or devices. According to accounts, Johansen, through his firm Double Twist Ventures, is beginning to license the "work-around" to content providers that want to target the huge iPod market. [see more...]


Oct. 5, 2006

Finalmente un segnale dal Governo verso l'industria dei contenuti

Finalmente un segnale dal Governo verso l'industria dei contenuti Oggi le piccole e medie imprese devono affrontare il nodo della riconversione tecnologica investendo nella digitalizzazione dei contenuti senza la quale non si potrà competere sul mercato generato dalle nuove tecnologie. Il Governo nella Finanziaria ha inserito un credito d'imposta fino a 100 mila euro per le spese di produzione, di sviluppo, di digitalizzazione e di promozione di registrazioni fonografiche o videoclip musicali per le opere prime o seconde di artisti emergenti. L' A.F.I. proprio nel corso della sua prima Convention, svoltasi il 29 e 30 settembre, ha rilanciato alle Istituzioni la richiesta di maggiore attenzione verso il settore musicale presentando anche iniziative come il Progetto Europeo Axmedis volto a promuovere il mercato dei contenuti audiovisivi in un contesto protetto e legale. In questo contesto, che vede insieme il mondo della tecnologia e quello dei contenuti, l'obiettivo è creare la prima piattaforma europea aperta e interoperabile per lo scambio e la distribuzione di contenuti digitali nel rispetto dei diritti degli autori, artisti e produttori e di coadiuvare il legislatore nazionale ed europeo che si appresta ad una risistemazione del quadro normativo in materia. In questo quadro le dichiarazioni del Ministro Gentiloni, a seguito dell'incontro con il Presidente della SIAE Avv. Giorgio Assumma, ci fanno sperare che il settore possa riprendere quella vitalità necessaria per aumentare le proprie potenzialità di business nel mondo digitale e per promuovere su scala globale la creatività italiana. Presidente A.F.I. Luigi Barion


Oct. 5, 2006

HEXAGLOBE signed the affiliation with AXMEDIS

Hexaglobe, a very active French company, has signed the affiliation with AXMEDIS.


Jun. 30, 2006

Call for Application and Demos at the AXMEDIS 2006 conference

AXMEDIS 2006 Conference 2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution Submission due: 18 March 2006 Conference date: 13-15 Dec 2006 Conference venue: University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK In the era of the digital world and the Internet, cross-media production, business models and distribution are being powerfully supported and pushed forward by the emergent technologies that help the industry to reduce the cost of media production and distribution, while optimising productivities. AXMEDIS2006 aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, impacts and exploitation. We are particularly interested in exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and industrial communities. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following: * Automatic cross-media production, collection, crawling, composition, formatting, P2P, etc. * Formats and models for multi-channel content distribution * Multimedia standards, e.g. MPEG-7, MPEG-21, DMP, etc. * High quality audio visual coding * Multimedia music representation and formatting * Watermarking and fingerprinting techniques * GRID and distributed systems for content production * real-time streaming media distribution * Multimedia middleware * Workflow management systems * Web services for content distribution * Semantic Web * Distribution with P2P architectures * Legal aspects related to digital content * Collecting and clearing of rights and licences * Business, payment and transaction models * Digital Rights Management (DRM), models tools, and interoperability * Formats and tools for Content Aware * Archives managements for cultural and educational applications * Synchronisation technologies and solutions * Systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand * Digital content user interface * Digital content accessibility * Novel applications and case-studies of relevant technologies


Jun. 30, 2006

SIAE has signed the affiliation to AXMEDIS

SIAE has signed the affiliation to AXMEDIS to perform a trial of the AXMEDIS solution and framework. Results will be communicated soon on this portal and at the AXMEDIS Conference 2006.


Jun. 30, 2006

Focuseek has signed the affiliation with AXMEDIS

Focuseek has signed the affiliation with AXMEDIS. Focuseek search box facilities can be used into the AXMEDIS Content Processing Grid to set up automatic searching and access activities to a large set of different databases and protocols. AXMEDIS GRID can autoamtically produce and protect the content taken from those databases in fast and effective manner for the distribution.


Feb. 15, 2006

AXMEDIS 2006 Call for Papers

AXMEDIS 2006 Conference 2nd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution Submission due: 18 March 2006 Conference date: 13-15 Dec 2006 Conference venue: University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK In the era of the digital world and the Internet, cross-media production, business models and distribution are being powerfully supported and pushed forward by the emergent technologies that help the industry to reduce the cost of media production and distribution, while optimising productivities. AXMEDIS2006 aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, impacts and exploitation. We are particularly interested in exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and industrial communities. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following: * Automatic cross-media production, collection, crawling, composition, formatting, P2P, etc. * Formats and models for multi-channel content distribution * Multimedia standards, e.g. MPEG-7, MPEG-21, DMP, etc. * High quality audio visual coding * Multimedia music representation and formatting * Watermarking and fingerprinting techniques * GRID and distributed systems for content production * real-time streaming media distribution * Multimedia middleware * Workflow management systems * Web services for content distribution * Semantic Web * Distribution with P2P architectures * Legal aspects related to digital content * Collecting and clearing of rights and licences * Business, payment and transaction models * Digital Rights Management (DRM), models tools, and interoperability * Formats and tools for Content Aware * Archives managements for cultural and educational applications * Synchronisation technologies and solutions * Systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand * Digital content user interface * Digital content accessibility * Novel applications and case-studies of relevant technologies


Jan. 11, 2006

AXMEDIS call for take up is active

The AXMEDIS integrated project is to create the AXMEDIS framework to meet major challenges and needs of the digital-content market. Currently, the digital-content market is urging better pricing and value-for-money for industry products and services. The containment of sale prices is a vital key when setting up a sustainable business venture in the digital cross media content. AXMEDIS solutions will enable the production processes to be faster and cheaper, providing at the same time new capabilities to support safer distribution and multi-channel interoperability. Call for take up The candidate topic areas of this call include the followings application and/or extension of the AXMEDIS framework and tools to support: one or more distribution channels such as mobile distribution, IPTV, DVB-S, DTT, DVB-T, DVB-H, and DTV, with smart cards, etc., in order to make evident interoperability of content and tools with other AXMEDIS distribution channels and tools (mobile devices, PC, STB, portable video player, portable music player, etc.); mobile distribution is one of the interested topics even if this channel is already addressed in AXMEDIS; massive and/or coordinated production, aggregation, protection, of cross media content; collaboration among different actors of the production and distribution value chain; collaborations among cultural institutions, etc.; video and music based solutions are interested even if those content types are already addressed in AXMEDIS; production and/or distribution authoring tools and/or players in relationships of content types not presently covered by AXMEDIS such as MHP, e-government content, health care content.


Apr. 15, 2005

Nero Digital Supported MediaTek DVD Chips will Offer the Ultimate Digital Home Entertainment Solution

Karlsbad, Germany (April 12, 2005)
Nero, leaders in digital media technology, MediaTek, one of the worlds top five integrated circuit (IC) fabless companies and ATEME, a world leading provider of hardware and software solutions for video and signal processing, have forged a strategic partnership to deliver Nero DigitalTM supported MediaTek chips to consumer electronics manufacturers of home entertainment components and portable entertainment devices.
[full news on Nero Digital Press Releases...]


Apr. 14, 2005

MEF Certification Program to Accelerate Adoption of Carrier Ethernet

Irvine, California, April 12th, 2005
The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) today announced the launch of its Certification Program to support the explosive demand for Carrier Ethernet services.
[More on site]


Apr. 13, 2005

HP Introduces Spring Lineup of Digital Music Offerings

PALO ALTO, Calif., April 12, 2005
HP today announced two additions to its Apple iPod from HP line of digital music players. The new iPod products allow consumers to carry and enjoy an extensive music and photo library wherever they go.

The Apple iPod from HP is available in two sizes - 30 gigabytes (GB),(1) which holds up to 7,500 songs,(2) and 60 GB, which holds up to 15,000 songs.(2) In addition to a music library, the new players can each store up to 25,000 digital photos and can display them on a vivid, high-resolution color display.
[... full version on HP newsroom]


Jan. 19, 2005

AXMEDIS 2005 Conference, 30-Nov.2-Dec 2005, Florence, Italy

AXMEDIS 2005 Conference


Oct. 7, 2004

CEATEC 2004 opened

CEATEC Japan 2004, one of the biggest exhibitions in Asia, opened Oct. 5 at the Makuhari Messe convention center outside Tokyo Sony unveils the new Vaio type X home server, which can store 1 terabyte of data, enough to record six TV channels for a week with MPEG-2 compression. It will be available next month for about $4,700.


Oct. 7, 2004

AXMEDIS kickoff meeting - October 5-9, 2004

The AXMEDIS kickoff meeting is planned for October 5-9, 2004 in Florence


Sep. 10, 2004

AXMEDIS web site activated

first draft of the AXMEDIS web site activated